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During the last few years I have been able to receive several sponsorships, grants and awards in support of my work in research and lecture. I would like to take this chance and thank the following institutions and companies for their - very often multiple - financial support, sponsorship and/or donation of software and/or hardware.

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grey button Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung - BMBF - Berlin, Germany
grey button Deutsche Energie-Agentur - dena - Berlin, Germany
grey button Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - DFG - Bonn, Germany
grey button Hessische Akademie Ländlicher Raum - HAL - Kassel, Germany
grey button HOPS Club, Liederbach, Germany
grey button Klaus Tschira Stiftung - KTS - Heidelberg, Germany
grey button National Research Council - NRC - Washington DC, USA
grey button Sokrates - Comenius 1, PAD, Bonn, Germany
grey button Tempus, DAAD, Bonn, Germany
grey button Verband der Elektrotechnik, Elektronik, Informationstechnik e.V. - VDE - Frankfurt, Germany
grey button Verein Deutscher Ingenieure - VDI - Frankfurt, Germany
grey button Volkswagen Foundation, Hannover, Germany

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grey button berolina Schriftbild, Dabendorf, Germany
grey button Computer-Aided Design - CAD - Oxford, England
grey button CELGARD, Wiesbaden, Germany
grey button Deutsche Bank, Eschborn/Taunus, Germany
grey button Ernst Klett Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany
grey button Ernst & Young, Frankfurt/Main, Germany
grey button Mediaplex Software, Kronberg/Taunus, Germany
grey button Microsoft, München, Germany
grey button NaturPur Energie AG, Darmstadt, Germany
grey button Papier Union, Flörsheim/Weilbach, Germany
grey button Schroder Holdings, Frankfurt/Main, Germany
grey button Siemens, München, Germany
grey button SuSE, Nürnberg, Germany
grey button SYSPART, Oberursel, Germany
grey button Webdirekt Internet Service, Kronberg/Taunus, Germany