Address | CV | Thesises | Appointments | Articles | Books | Gallery | Grants | Referee | |
In the past I served as referee and reviewer for several journals,
publishers and conference proceedings such as SIGGRAPH, Eurographics, IEEE Visualization,
SIAM CAGD, Mathematics of Surfaces, Solid Modeling, Geometric Modeling and Processing,
CAGD in Oberwolfach, Geometric Modelling at Schloß Dagstuhl.
Most recently for magazines | |
Applied Mathematics and Computation | |
Computers and Mathematics with Applications | |
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics | |
Numerical Algorithms |
Most often for magazines | |
Computer-Aided Design | |
Computer Aided Geometric Design | |
Computers & Graphics | |
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics |
but also for magazines | |
ACM Transaction on Graphics | |
Computing | |
IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications | |
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics | |
Informatik - Forschung und Entwicklung | |
Journal of Symbolic Computation | |
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis | |
Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering |